
In today’s globalised economy dumping is one of the most controversial issues. The Anti-Dumping Agreement of the WTO contains provisions relating anti-dumping measures. This article deals with provisions for review and revocation of Anti-dumping measures before the Uruguay Round and the Changes brought after the Uruguay Round. It also classifies the review of anti-dumping measures into Interim review, Sunset review and New Comer review. It discusses various issues which are at the helm of the affairs of the Anti-dumping with the help of relevant case-laws. The Article also examines in brief the provisions relating to review of Provisional measures and review of Price-Undertaking. It communicates in detail the Sunset Review of the 2004 Oil Country Tubular Goods Case. The Article argues the Draft Amendment to WTO Anti-Dumping Agreement and provides suggestions for improving the efficiency of current provisions. In the end, the conclusion emphasizes on the preservation of Balance of interest among WTO members. It addresses the need to settle and remove the ambiguities which gives unguided and uncontrolled discretion.

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