
In agriculture, according to the data of the statistical collection, the production of grain crops occupies a large part. At the moment, much attention is paid to the study of perennial crops such as Thinopyrum intermedium and Trititrigia cziczinii Tsvelev. These crops help to: slow down soil erosion, protect water resources, and minimize the leaching of nutrients [1,2]. The non-cereal part of the crop is a significant reserve for strengthening the fodder base of animal husbandry, expanding the range of sources of raw materials for the microbiological industry in the production of fodder proteins. The article provides an overview of technologies and equipment for harvesting grain crops, on the basis of which one of the optimal harvesting method for perennial crops is distinguished - stripping. Based on the results of the literature review, the main technologies used for harvesting grain crops were identified: direct and indirect singlephase and two-phase combine harvesting technologies; one-, two- or three-phase non-combine harvesting technologies including the “neveika” method; standing stripping technology. The purpose of this article is to review existing harvesting technologies and equipment, selection of the optimal harvesting technology for perennial crops such as Trititrigia cziczinii Tsvelev and Thinopyrum intermedium.

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