
Purpose of the study: The review aims to present methods and techniques of psychotherapy for children with ASD in various approaches and extend understanding of autistic patients' difficulties in the context of psychotherapeutic interventions.
 Methodology: Six different methods, approaches and technics were presented in the article: Multimodal Anxiety and Social Skills Intervention; Narrative family therapy incorporating the externalization technique; Embodied mentalization-based psychodynamic psychotherapy; Psychoanalytic family psychotherapy; Simultaneous psychotherapy with child and family based on Erica method; Psychodynamic-oriented psychotherapy of adolescents based on dream sharing and interpretation. Selection of best interventions based on technical eclecticism and theoretical integration was proposed as the most appropriate for the clients with ASD
 Main findings: Various models of psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents with ASD were developed with a specific therapeutic approach. Relatively few of these treatments are widely used in everyday therapeutic practice. The benefit level for patients with ASD and their families depends on appropriate selection approaches, methods, technics, and their integration. To develop a personalized integrative approach to each case, the therapists need to be fluent in more than one therapy approach, and have know of a wide range of theories and skills.
 Application of the study: The personalized intervention depending on the child's needs, especially the type and severity of difficulties, the stage of development, and the family's readiness for psychotherapy was recommended. Furthermore, the selection of methods, technics and their integration were based on described interventions.
 Original/Novelty of the study: The practical example of developing a psychotherapeutic integrative approach to children and adolescents with ASD was presented in this article.

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