
The OxEon Energy team continues its 30+ year solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) development history with the design, fabrication, and installation of two reversible solid oxide electrolysis (SOEC)/SOFC demonstration modules scheduled for installation and commissioning in 2023. The high temperature electrolysis (HTE) systems produce hydrogen through electrolysis using solid oxide cell (SOC) technology derived from OxEon’s heritage stack technology and advancements made during stack development for NASA’s Mars2020 mission. The demonstration units integrate reversible SOC stacks with an effective and reliable balance of plant (BOP) system. A 4-stack quad assembly forms the basis for a modular, scalable system. Thermal management includes pre-heaters within the hot section unit (HSU) enclosure and a feed path that takes advantage of the exotherm generated in SOFC mode. The system design applies mechanical compression to the stacks outside the HSU enclosure to minimize insulation envelope size and produce greater force on the stacks.

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