
In most social insects, worker sterility is reversible, and in the absence of the queen, at least some workers develop ovaries and lay male-destined eggs. In the honeybee, reproductive workers also produce queen-characteristic mandibular and Dufour’s pheromones. The evolution of worker sterility is still under debate as to whether it is caused by queen manipulation (queen-control hypothesis) or represents worker fitness maximization (worker-control hypothesis). In this study, we investigated whether worker fertility and royal pheromone production are reversible under the queen influence. To that effect, we induced ovary activation and queen pheromone production in workers by rearing them as queenless (QL) groups. These workers were subsequently reintroduced into queenright (QR) microcolonies for 1 week, and their ovary status and queen pheromone levels were monitored. Workers reintroduced into QR, but not QL colonies, showed a clear regression in ovary development and levels of the queen pheromones. This is the first demonstration that worker sterility and/or fertility is reversible and is influenced by the queen. These results also emphasize the robustness of the coupling between ovary activation and royal pheromone production, as well as lending credence to the queen-control hypothesis. The dynamics of queen pheromone production in QL workers supports the role of Dufour’s gland pheromone as a fertility signal and that of the mandibular gland pheromone in dominance hierarchies.

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