
After periodate oxidation and incubation with dithiodipropionic acid dihydrazide cross-linking of the crystalline surface layer (S-layer) glycoproteins of Clostridium thermohydrosulfuricum L111-69 and Bacillus alvei CCM 2051 was achieved specifically through the glycan chains. The cross-linked S-layers were used for the immobilization of chemically synthesized, spacer-linked, tumour-associated T-disaccharide [βGal(1→3)αGalNAc]. Electron microscopical evaluation of the resulting conjugates showed densely packed, multilayered S-layer structures loaded with the immobilized ligand. After reductive cleavage of the disulphide bond of dithiodipropionic acid by dithiothreitol, monomeric haptenated S-layer conjugates could be obtained. Both the cross-linked and the monomeric type of conjugate might be useful for assessment of specific immune responses, which, in general, can be elicited by those artificial antigens.

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