
High‐resolution fast azimuth sweeps by the European Incoherent Scatter (EISCAT) Svalbard radar provide an unparalleled opportunity to study small‐scale flow disturbances in the cusp ionosphere. Observations from 11 days of the winter cusp ionosphere of high‐resolution ion flow data have been analyzed. Transient channels of reversed plasma flow appear to be a regular feature of the cusp, and they were seen in 16% of 767 analyzed EISCAT Svalbard Radar (ESR) scans. We introduce a new descriptive term, reversed flow events (RFEs), for this class of events. RFEs are defined as longitudinally elongated segments of transiently enhanced ion flow in the direction opposite to the background flow. RFEs typically occurred near the cusp inflow region in association with enhancements in the polar cap convection observed by the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN). Their lifetime was found to be ∼19 min on average. Their longitudinal dimension typically exceeded the ESR field of view (>400–600 km), and ranged from ∼50 to 250 km in latitude. The occurrence rate of RFEs appears independent of the BZ and BY component polarity of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), and RFEs occurred for clock angles between 40° and 240°. RFE ion flow was in 95% of the cases documented to oppose the magnetic tension force, and RFEs cannot be interpreted in terms of newly opened flux. RFEs formed one by one and never simultaneously in pairs. To explain these observations, we propose an asymmetric version of the Southwood (1987) twin cell flux transfer event model to account for significant IMF BY, in which only the poleward cell located on open field lines develops.

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