
Published in Petroleum Transactions, AIME, Volume 213, 1958, pages 304–309. Introduction The most common method of identifying hydrocarbon-bearing strata in a well that penetrates many different formations involves measurement and interpretation of the electrical properties of the formations as determined by electrical logs. Even though this method is used extensively, and even though in a great many instances it is capable of indicating presence of oil or gas, situations arise for which it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to deduce the presence of hydrocarbons. These situations may involve the following. A thin formation, bounded by highly resistive formations, in which it is impossible to obtain the actual resistivity of the uninvaded zone with existing logging devices. A formation in which invasion has been so extensive that a value for the uninvaded zone resistivity cannot be obtained. A very shaly formation in which the resistivity index, I, is lower than that usually associated with productive formations. Laminated formations comprised of thin productive sands separated by thin shale streaks in which the individual sand and shale streaks are too thin to permit measurement of uninvaded-zone resistivity with existing logging devices. Productive formations in which the water saturation is high. To extend the utility of electric log interpretation to identification of hydrocarbons in all types of formations, there is strong incentive to find a method not subject to these limitations. Some time ago, in connection with research on the wettability of reservoir rock, an investigation was conducted in which the resistivities of cores were measured shortly after they were removed from a core barrel, and again after they had been extracted and restored to their original oil and brine saturation. The resistivities after extraction were generally lower. Other tests made on the cores indicated that they were more nearly water wet after they were extracted; thus, it was assumed that the observed changes in resistivities were due to a change in wettability of the cores. Other experiments have shown that resistivities of rock samples are sharply dependent on wettability. These experiments have shown that oil-wet samples are more resistive than water-wet samples.

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