
Reverse water-gas shift (RWGS) is a vital step in producing syngas for the chemical conversion of CO2 to liquid transportation fuels and chemicals. Na-doping of m-ZrO2 supported Pt catalysts allowed selectivity control by systematically increasing the ratio of relative rates of rCO/rCH4. This was achieved by facilitating the formation of formate intermediate species, which precedes CO formation, and by suppressing the metallic Pt0 active sites responsible for CH4 formation. A 2.5%Na-2%Pt/m-ZrO2 catalyst was first tested for the forward water-gas shift (FWGS) reaction and found to have 50% higher CO conversion at 285 °C compared to the undoped catalyst. Results of DRIFTS spectroscopy of adsorbed CO confirmed a formate ν(CH) band shift to lower wavenumbers (2870–2802 cm−1) with the addition of Na and more rapid forward formate decomposition in steam to H2 and carbonate species, the precursor to CO2. This is consistent with C-H bond breaking being the rate limiting step of a FWGS mechanism occurring at the metal-support junction. Consistent with this, DRIFTS of RWGS in 4%CO2 + 60%H2 showed more facile formation of formate for the Na-doped catalyst and, once again, the ν(CH) band was shifted to lower wavenumbers (2874–2803 cm−1) with Na-doping. In addition, Na doping resulted in a systematic decrease in the Pt-carbonyl band in DRIFTS of adsorbed CO as well as DRIFTS of in-situ RWGS reaction tests, suggesting that Na blocked a fraction of on-top Pt sites, breaking up ensembles of Pt0 responsible for methanation. The selectivity of the 2.5%Na-doped catalyst, unlike its undoped counterpart, was remarkably resistant to methanation (e.g., selectivity < 0.2% CH4 with pressures of up to 20 bar).

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