
Reverse logistics practices are gaining importance at the global level. The present reverse logistics practices are robust and effective in developed countries like the U.S., U.K., Australia, Germany, etc. but in emerging countries like India, it is still at the nascent stage. Companies are realizing the effectiveness and importance of formulating and application of reverse logistics as a competitive strategy. At present computer hardware industry cannot ignore the efficacy of implementing reverse logistics practices. At present many companies are adopting Reverse logistics practices for economic cost advantage, and legislation compliance in India, but in the global scenario, companies are gaining cost efficiency, competitive advantage, and sustainable brand image. The present study addresses the gap in reverse logistics practices in India compared to the global practices hence the present study contributes to assessing and recommending sustainable practices which contribute not only to organizational performance and customer satisfaction but also lead to Triple Bottom Line (people, planet, profit). The present study emphasizes the existing return policy framework, factors influencing customer returns, return policy satisfaction, and leniency of return policy to assess the effectiveness of reverse logistics and return's management in India. The study contributes to re-formulating and re-strategizing promotional strategies by marketers and computer hardware companies in gaining a competitive advantage.

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