
Based on the Richards-Wolf formalism, we obtain for the first time a set of explicit analytical expressions that completely describe a light field with a double higher-order singularity (phase and polarization), as well as distributions of its intensity and energy flux near the focus. A light field with the double singularity is an optical vortex with a topological charge m and with nth-order cylindrical polarization (azimuthal or radial). From the theory developed, rather general predictions follow. 1) For any singularity orders m and n, the intensity distribution near the focus has a symmetry of order 2(n - 1), while the longitudinal component of the Poynting vector has always an axially symmetric distribution. 2) If n = m + 2, there is a reverse energy flux on the optical axis near the focus, which is comparable in magnitude with the forward flux. 3) If m ≠0, forward and reverse energy fluxes rotate along a spiral around the optical axis, whereas at m = 0 the energy flux is irrotational. 4) For any values of m and n, there is a toroidal energy flux in the focal area near the dark rings in the distribution of the longitudinal component of the Poynting vector.

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