
Accidental IV administration of bupivacaine can compromise cardiovascular function by inducing lethal arrhythmias whose hemodynamic consequences may be alleviated by lipid emulsions. However, little is known about the electrophysiologic effects of lipid emulsions. In this study, we assessed whether 2 different lipid emulsions can reverse cardiac electrophysiologic impairment induced by the IV administration of bupivacaine in anesthetized and mechanically ventilated piglets. Bupivacaine (4 mg . kg(-1)) was injected over a 30-second period in 26 piglets. Thirty seconds after the end of bupivacaine injection, 1.5 mL . kg(-1) saline solution for the control group, and long-chain triglyceride emulsion (LCT group) or a mixture of long-chain and medium-chain triglyceride emulsion (LCT/MCT group) were infused over 1 minute. Cardiac conduction variables and hemodynamic variables were monitored for 30 minutes after injection. Bupivacaine induced similar electrophysiologic and hemodynamic changes. After 3 minutes, His ventricle intervals (median and interquartiles) were 100 (85-105), 45 (35-55), and 53 (48-73) milliseconds in the control, LCT, and LCT/MCT groups, respectively (P < 0.001 between control and both lipid emulsion groups). Lipid emulsions also reversed the effects on QRS duration, atrial-His, and PQ (the onset of the P wave to the Q wave of the QRS complex) intervals. LCT/MCT emulsion restored the decrease in maximal first derivative of left ventricular pressure (P < 0.01 after 3 minutes versus control group). LCT and LCT/MCT emulsions reversed the lengthening of His ventricle, QRS, atrial-His, and PQ intervals induced by the IV injection of 4 mg . kg(-1) bupivacaine.

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