
<p>本研究透過產業問卷調查與對媒體經營者的深度訪談等多種方法,蒐集近十年的產業資料,發現跨國平台對本地新聞出版業造成「營收破壞」與「流通依賴」。新聞業紙本發行減少50%,廣告量分別遽降80% 與60%;兩者在廣告市場占比從合計30% 降到3.5%,網路從20% 提高至65%。Google與Facebook兩大平台在網路廣告市場則估約60-80%。由於流通依賴兩大平台,媒體報導方向朝演算法傾斜。平台單方決定演算法更動與內容審查,形成不平等關係。本研究建議未來應採取演算法公開問責、或向平台抽取特別公課以成立獨立基金等政策,以修補破壞與改變依賴。</p> <p> </p><p>Through an industrial questionnaire survey in-depth interviews with publishers, this study examines how digital platforms have affected Taiwanese publishers in the 2010s. Transnational platforms have resulted in revenue destruction and distribution dependency for local news publishers. The circulation of newspapers and magazines has decreased by approximately 50%, and advertising revenue has decreased by 80% and 60% respectively. Newspapers and magazines’ share of the media advertising market has decreased from 30% to 3.5%, and that of the Internet has increased from 20% to 65%. Google and Facebook dominate the advertising market with their collective share of the online advertising market being estimated at 60-80%. The news production has become reliant on these two platforms. Digital platforms determine algorithms, content, and profit sharing and dominate the media. To improve the quality journalism, this paper suggests the transparency of platforms’ algorithms and the establishment of an independent news funds by taxing the platforms.</p> <p> </p>

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