
Revenge pornography, which is mainly understood as the publication of nude or intimate picturesof another person without their consent, is a phenomenon that is increasing in occurrence andconstantly changing in the manner in which it is carried out. In Kenya, due to the absence of aproper regulatory mechanism, perpetrators continue to carry out their activities with resoundingimpact and devastating effects on the victims. This article uses discourse analysis to explore themotivations behind non-consensual pornography, reasons and motivations for its prevalence,which include revenge and punishment, entertainment/fun, the sexual objectification of women,“slut shaming”, and denigration of the victim’s character. The paper also looks at the legal andgendered aspects that allow the vice to continue being perpetrated. These include the lack ofclearly defined laws that capture the various forms that revenge pornography can take and thelack of well-trained legal officers and law enforcers who can handle reported cases of revengepornography. The article argues in favour of reform of the current legal framework in order toaddress non-consensual pornography as mediated by the tools of digital technology. This includesa clear legal definition of revenge pornography.

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