
An epitaxial SmNiO3 thin-film grown on an LaAlO3 (001) substrate using pulsed laser deposition is investigated with spherical-aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy techniques, including high-angle annular dark field, X-ray energy dispersive, and electron energy-loss spectroscopy. High-density Ruddlesden–Popper (RP)-type faults, which generate two types of image contrast due to overlaps along the electron beam direction, are identified with the translational vector of 1/2a⟨111⟩c, corresponding to 1/2a⟨101⟩c displacement of Sm atoms when observed along the [010]c zone axis. These defects originate from Sm-rich non-stoichiometry within the SmNiO3, and their directions depend on the local stress states. Lattice distortion induced by the RP faults reduces the metal-to-insulator transition temperature to around 340 K. The effects of high-density RP faults on the lattice strain, domain size, and strong electronic-lattice correlations indicate that RP faults can provide extra freedom to tailor the physical properties of SmNiO3 thin films for potential electronic device applications. High-density Ruddlesden–Popper-type faults are revealed in an epitaxial SmNiO3 thin film grown on LaAlO3 (001) by pulsed laser deposition, originating from Sm-rich non-stoichiometry, and their directions depend on the local stress states. Lattice distortion induced by the RP faults reduces the metal-to-insulator transition temperature to around 340 K. RP faults provide extra freedom to tailor intriguing properties of SmNiO3 for potential electronic device applications.

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