
Software Engineering (SE) community has discussed economic and social issues as a challenge for the next years. Companies and organizations have directly (or not) opened up their software platforms and assets to others, including partners and 3rd party developers, creating software ecosystems (SECOs). This scenario changes the traditional software industry because it requires mature research in SE dealing with an environment where business models and socio-technical networks can impact systems engineering and management, and reuse approaches. However, one strong inhibitor is the complexity in defining and modeling SECO elements to improve their comprehension and analysis. The main reason is the fact that this topic is emerging and no common sense on its concepts and relations exists yet. Thus, it is difficult to understand its real impacts in the SE industry. In this context, we propose an approach to support the definition, modeling and analysis of SECOs by exploring Software Reuse concepts in techniques in this area and treating nontechnical aspects in SE.

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