
Over the past few years, the pediatric’s patients profile has been changed, becoming more and more frequent the need for assistance of children living with chronic and life-threatening diseases. In this scenario, pediatric palliative care emerges as a way to provide integral care for these patients and their families. Pediatric rheumatology takes care of serious and life threatening diseases, therefore has an intersection with palliative care. The purpose of this article is to illustrate the intersection between these two fields in current medicine, performing a literature review. However, for our surprise, there are no article linking both themes available in the databases we searched for. Although there are no published articles, it is clear that there is a great concern of many professionals, in pediatric rheumatology, to assist the well-being of the children and their families. Thus, the concept of palliative care should be extended to pediatric rheumatology, in a systematized way, since the lack of knowledge about the theme makes it difficult to make a broad and adequate approach. The conclusion is, despite of the severity and great morbidity profile associated with childhood rheumatic diseases, the clinical indication of palliative care for these children should be made earlier, and specialized teams should be trained. This study points out the urgent need to introduce the concept of palliative care throughout the pediatric rheumatology’s teams.

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