
Leiomyoma is a benign tumor of unknown etiology of the uterus. Leiomyoma is stimulated by an excess of steroids, disruption of apoptotic mechanisms, and local growth factors.We conducted a retrospective analysis of the operative material with leiomyoma of the reproductive period of women with the uterine body. The study revealed: a sharp increase in the incidence of intramural leiomyoma; Histological structural features are characteristic of proliferative, recurrent, and latent leiomyomas; Active products of the extracellular matrix, which is important not only in terms of leiomyoma growth, but it is likely to be among the factors that limit the free uncontrolled spread of tumor proliferate in the uterine body muscle and inhibit the assimilation process; Retrospective analysis of the material provides a basis for the search for molecular mechanisms of leiomyoma development. The results obtained will be important for the selection of drug treatment (in terms of inhibition of myocyte proliferative processes, expression of growth factors and activation of apoptosis).

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