
Aim. Assessment of infections prevalence rate, type and severity in patients diagnosed with progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS), treated with cyclophosphamide (CTX), during 12 months of observations. Material and methods. A retrospective analysis of mild, moderate and severe infections in 17 women with a mean age of 58.8 ± 10.0, based on an interview, physical examination, additional tests, and available medical records. Results. 46 various infections were diagnosed in the analysed group of patients. 32 (69.6%) infections involved the respiratory system, and 14 (30.4%) infections concerned the urinary tract. The average frequency per one patient was 2.7 ± 3.5 (median: 2) events during 12 months of observations. The majority of infections, 60.9 % (n = 28), were mild ones of slight intensity, and 37.0% (n = 17) were moderate ones. Only one person (2.2% of all infections) had a severe infection requiring hospitalisation.Conclusions. In the studied group the infection prevalence rate was comparable to that in a healthy population. The majority of infections were mild and involved the respiratory system. Basis of conducted analysis 12 months intravenous administration of CTX is not a factor significantly increasing a risk of severe infections in the studied group of patients. In PSS patients CTX pulse therapy is relatively safe, as it does not cause severe infections requiring hospitalisation

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