
To objectively evaluate the practical significance of different extended surgeries in early gastric cancer(EGC) patients, and to choose reasonable gastrectomies and lymphadenectomies. A total of 217 EGC patients were investigated undergone normalized D2 or above extended surgery and their clinicopathological data were recorded in detail. The efficiency of the extended lymphadenectomies, complications and operation causes were analyzed, and the correlation between the group 2 lymph node metastasis (LNM) and clinicopathological factors were assessed, too. There was no nodal involvement in the No.5 and No.6 lymph nodes among the total gastrectomy in the upper third of the stomach, neither was in the No.10, 11p and 11d lymph nodes among the combined splenectomy, and neither was in the No.15 lymph nodes among the combined transverse mesocolon resection in the lower third of the stomach. There was no distant nodal involvement in the EGC. Above all, most of them were mistaken for advanced gastric cancer preoperatively and intraoperatively, the operation time was longer and the blood loss was more during operation. Among the resected nodes of group 2 in the lower third of the stomach, metastasis was not found in the No.11p, 12a and 14v lymph nodes. The rate of the No.7 and 8a nodal involvement in the submucosa cancer was higher than that in the mucosa cancer(P<0.05) and so did the No.7 in the lymphatic penetration positive(P<0.001). The No.1 and No.13 nodal involvement were only seen in the high risk cases, such as submucosa cancer, the lesion diameter more than 3.0 cm, depressed type and lymphatic involvement. It is not necessary to execute total gastrectomy in the upper third of the stomach, combined organ resection (such as splenectomy, transverse mesocolon resection), and distant lymph node dissection in the EGC. In the lower third of the stomach, the No.11p 12a and 14v lymph nodes shouldn't be dissected. With respect to the high risk nodal involvement cases in the lower third of the stomach, the No.1 lymph nodes should be dissected and so does the No.13 lymph nodes if it's tumefied. It is the key point of reasonable operation to exactly diagnose the EGC before and during the surgery.

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