
Abstract Heat integration by pinch method is used to modify the heat exchanger network of an industrial ethylene glycol plant. The aim is to reduce the energy cost by operating the plant close to the maximum energy recovery. Pinch analysis identified a pinch temperature of 483 K, a minimum heating utility of 13,490.9 MJ/ton EO, and a minimum cooling utility of 25,697 MJ/ton EO. Using the pinch decomposition diagram and the standard procedure for matching hot and cold streams, a retrofit of the heat exchangers network is developed. The modified heat exchanger network reduces the external cooling duty by 45.5% and the external heating duty by 93.3%. This promising cost savings provide enough justification for restructuring the existing ethylene glycol plant. Moreover, an additional 6% reduction in the external cooling duty can be achieved by integrating the steam turbine below the pinch point.

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