
Retrobulbar hemorrhage in a hemophiliac has not been reported in the Anglo-American literature. The dangerous nature of this complication of hemophilia is well-illustrated in the following case report. Report of Case A 14-year-old white boy was admitted to Boston City Hospital 2 days after having struck his right eye lightly against a door. Over the 2 days prior to admission he noted progressive swelling and bluish discoloration which originated from the right lateral canthus and then spread throughout the right orbital region. On previous examinations he was found to have normal vision in both eyes, but a few hours prior to admission he reported some diminution of vision in his right eye. Ten years before admission, he was hospitalized with persistent hemorrhage from a minor lip laceration and was shown to have a deficiency of antihemophilic globulin. Three brothers and his maternal uncle and cousin also have classical hemophilia. He

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