
Abstract This paper advances hyperspectral infrared (IR) radiative transfer techniques for retrieving water (ocean and lake) surface skin temperature from clear-sky radiance observations obtained within the longwave atmospheric window region (800–1000 cm−1). High spectral resolution has optimal potential for multispectral algorithms because of the capability to resolve, and thus avoid, gas absorption lines that otherwise obscure the surface signal in conventional narrowband radiometers. A hyperspectral radiative transfer model (RTM) is developed for varying satellite zenith angles, atmospheric profiles (cloud and aerosol free), surface wind speeds and skin temperatures, with atmospheric column transmittance spectra computed from fast models. Wind speed variations in surface emissivity and quasi-specular reflection are both rigorously accounted for. The RTM is then used for deriving retrieval algorithms based upon statistical and physical methodologies. The statistical method is based upon linear regressio...

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