
Reports the retraction of "Event-level risk for negative alcohol consequences in emerging adults: The role of affect, motivation, and context" by Jack T. Waddell, Scott E. King, Sarah A. Okey and William R. Corbin (Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 2024[Feb], Vol 38[1], 8-18). This article is being retracted at the request of the publisher, and the editor and all authors of the original article consented. This article was published in error, as it is a first stage Registered Report that has received in-principle acceptance. Given the workflow of a Registered Report, the first journal publication appears after data collection and results have been reported in the second stage Registered Report submission (see workflow at https://www.cos.io/initiatives/registered-reports). This stage one article is being removed from the literature to avoid confusion and will instead be preregistered as a Registered Report Protocol Preregistration (https://osf.io/7euzd/). (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2022-80654-001.) Objective: Decades of research has found support for the motivational model of alcohol use, such that positive/negative affect are indirectly associated with drinking behavior through drinking motives. However, research on event-level drinking motives is in its nascent stage, and studies have yet to consider how drinking context plays a role in the motivational pathway to both event- and person-level drinking behavior. Therefore, the present study seeks to test whether drinking context mediates the effect of affect and motivation on drinking outcomes at both the event- and person-level. Method: Data for this Stage 1 Registered Report will come from a recently completed ecological momentary assessment (EMA) study in emerging adults. The study collected data on 131 emerging adults, of whom 107 reported event-level social and solitary drinking during the EMA period. Multilevel structural equation modeling will be used to test whether predrinking affect is associated with predrinking motives, and whether drinking context (social vs. solitary drinking) mediates the effect of drinking motives on drinking outcomes. Models will parse within-/between-person variance, allowing the present study to test whether drinking context serves as a mechanism of risk in the motivational model at the event-level, or solely at the between-person level. Findings will inform personalized interventions and motivational models of drinking behavior. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).

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