
Sánchez DI, González-Fernández B, Crespo I, San-Miguel B, Álvarez M, González-Gallego J, Tuñón MJ. Melatonin modulates dysregulated circadian clocks in mice with diethylnitrosamine-induced hepatocellular carcinoma. J Pineal Res 2018; 65:e12506. https://doi.org/10.1111/jpi.12506 The above article, published online on 16 May 2018 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com), has been retracted by agreement between the journal Editor-in-Chief, Gianluca Tosini, and John Wiley and Sons Ltd. Following publication, concerns were raised by third parties regarding Figures 1C and 3C. Specifically, concerns were raised that portions of Figure 1C are duplicated in Figure 2C of another article by the same author group.1 Concerns were also raised that portions of Figure 3C were duplicated within the figure. The authors could not provide the original data for these figures. The authors provided some updated images, but these were not sufficient to resolve the concerns, and the authors were unable to provide a satisfactory explanation for the concerns. The retraction has been agreed because of concerns that portions of the figures were duplicated and overlap with the authors' previous article, affecting the interpretation of the data and results presented. The authors disagree with this decision. 1. González-Fernández B, Sánchez DI, Crespo I, San-Miguel B, de Urbina JO, González-Gallego J, Tuñón MJ. Melatonin attenuates dysregulation of the circadian clock pathway in mice with ccl4-induced fibrosis and human hepatic stellate cells. Front. Pharmacol 2018;9:556. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphar.2018.00556.

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