
AbstractThe paper considers the practical experience of creating educational visual materials on the Ukrainian language as a foreign language using innovative technologies, namely, the specifics of the role and place of colour and colour symbols as a code sign during the assimilation of new educational information. This study employed the following theoretical methods—analysis, systematisation and generalisation of modern research; empirical methods—experimental work; statistical methods—qualitative and quantitative processing of the results of empirical research; systematisation and correlation of the results of empirical research in accordance with the values of the case paradigm of the Ukrainian language. It was established that colour can affect not only a person’s emotions and behaviour, but also cognitive processes, thinking and memory. Upon recollecting information, a person reproduces events and focuses on everything associated with them. Within the framework of this study, the authors have identified the role of the influence of colour on the activation and mobilisation of students’ attention and memory, found ways to learn grammatical categories of the Ukrainian language using a generalising colour table. The authors proved that studying grammatical categories of the Ukrainian language using the colour coding method improves awareness and reproduction of educational information. Context and implicationsRationale for this studyThe process of Eurointegration in Ukraine has an impact on all spheres of life, in particular on the educational system, where significant changes related to the optimisation of technologies, forms and means of teaching, improving the ways of motivating the assimilation of the necessary information are taking place. The quality of international students teaching and its effectiveness need to be improved. The solution to the problem of the effectiveness of the educational materials lies in the harmonious combination of structured content and cognitively oriented design. This paper considers the practical experience of creating educational materials on the Ukrainian language as a foreign language using innovative technologies such as the specifics of the role and place of colour and colour symbols as a code sign in the assimilation of new educational information.Why the new findings matterIn the study, it was found that colour can affect cognitive processes, thinking and memory of a person, and the role of the colour influence on the activation and mobilisation of students’ attention and memory was revealed. The results of the research prove that the study of grammatical categories of the Ukrainian language using the colour coding method improves the comprehension and reproduction of teaching information.Implications for educational researchers and policymakersThe grammatical table created by the authors contains the most difficult grammatical material for assimilation; it takes into account the basic psychological regularities of visual perception of information, colour influence on the human subconscious and is based on the principle of material accessibility, which manifests itself in the presence of symbols and words that are understandable for the speakers of different languages. Using the developed table, the conjugation of nouns, as well as adjectives and endings of pronouns and ordinal numbers can be studied. Educators should take into account that professional selection of colours significantly increases cognitive and motivational characteristics and decreases the level of negative psychoemotional states.

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