
The audit point is to understand and use to perform the upgrade wearable innovation injuries in sports. Understanding the game's biomechanics is that damage response and performance upgrades are essential, and usually, investigation uses optical motion capture. In any case, this approach may be limited by the amount of limit catch climatic factors and the overwhelmed wearable research center of innovation. Ordered to make queries are used to study in seven information centers and sports car wearable innovation factors. This article was banned because they do not measure the program members on the sensor zero and the motor or motor factors or the application of an innovative set. Thirty-three incorporated into the collection of the full text of the survey carried out to identify members' dynamic development through observation and a slice of wearable progress in the game. Inertial sensors, the sensor and the flexible, attractive and precise speed field sensors are used in the game with more than 15 measured motion gadgets. The use of wearable innovation, the potential of these innovative practices, and the impact of competitors' training methods are still in the exploratory stage.

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