
The idea of the Electric Dipole Moment (EDM) search using the storage ring with polarized beam demands long Spin Coherence Time (SCT). It is the time during which the RMS spread of the orientation of spins of all particles in the bunch reaches one radian. Long SCT is needed to observe a coherent effect on polarization induced by the EDM. The possibility of getting a 1000 s SCT for deuterons has been shown experimentally at COoler SYnchrotron (COSY), accelerator at FZJ Jülich, Germany. Reaching high values of SCT for protons is more challenging due to a higher anomalous magnetic moment. Obtaining sufficient proton SCT is obligatory for planned EDM search experiments at COSY and the ProtoType EDM Ring (PTR). It has been shown that the second order momentum compaction factor (α 1) has to be optimized along with chromaticities (ξx, y ) to get high SCT. Three families of sextupoles have to be used. The optimal values of chromaticities and α 1 are discussed. The racetrack option of PTR is investigated.

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