
• It is necessary to narrow the gap between the knowledge and the skills. • Today the issue of the University 4.0 model is being actively discussed. • Rapid changes are considered as the first step towards further technological progress. The dynamics of the modern world and the transformation of the labor market put forward new requirements for education, aimed today at the formation of the necessary skills and the development of the ability to innovate, which becomes the basis of a new paradigm of education, embedded in the University 4.0 model. The purpose of the article is to study the readiness of students for creative and innovative activities in the context of the transition to the University 4.0 model on the example of [BLINDED] University. A study of the intellectual prerequisites of readiness for innovative activities of 236 physics students was carried out before and after training. At the beginning of the experiment, psychological testing was carried out to determine the characteristics of thinking and the creative component of a personality using valid psychodiagnostic techniques. Students completed training sessions for 1 month; the training included solving logical and situational tasks, business games, and brainstorming. The training was aimed at developing cognitive shifting, concentration of attention (a high level of intellectual lability before training was observed in 24.6% of students, after training - in 40.7% of students), inductive, logical, practical thinking (a high level of these indicators before training was found in 23.3% of students, after training - in 36.9% of students), imagination (the number of students with a high level of image changed from 28.4% to 51.7%), creative, entrepreneurial, and managerial abilities (a high level of which after the training was shown by 11.0% of students, in comparison with 6.4% before the training). The results of the study showed a statistically significant improvement in all the parameters. The results obtained allow concluding that it is necessary to revise and improve curricula and programs to bring them in line with the new paradigm of education within the framework of the University 4.0 model with the obligatory addition of moral, ethical, and spiritual components. The novelty/value of this research lies in the study of the intellectual prerequisites of students for innovative activities and the proof of the possibilities of their development in the process of studying at a university.

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