
As of today, problem of the solid municipal waste (hereinafter to be referred to as the SMW) is the topical problem for any country of the world. Volumes of the accumulated waste increase from year to year, while problem of their utilisation requires taking decisive actions today already. Overfilling of trash containers, delayed removal of domestic waste, and the absence of possibility to sort solid municipal waste are often observed in various inhabited localities. These facts cause disruption of the aesthetical and ecological components of the living environment of population. The above-listed factors are consequences of the improper and inefficient logistic system of handling of the solid municipal waste both within an inhabited locality and within the entire country. Therefore, there exists necessity in development of the efficient transport logistic system of handling of the solid municipal waste. Goal of this article is to develop the efficient logistic system of handling of the solid municipal waste through development of the relevant models and algorithms of transportation of waste from the places of their generation to the places of their utilisation and recycling. Results of the performed investigation are as follows: main directions, strategies, and mechanisms have been analysed in order to ensure solving the problems, which are connected with the solid municipal waste, with the waste transportation and utilisation; model of the logistic system for the waste handling was developed in general form; comprehensive model of the processes for development of the efficient logistic system for collection and transportation of waste to the places of its utilisation and recycling was formulated; mathematical description of this model with the help of the theory of sets was made; algorithm for selection of the optimal carrier of the solid municipal waste on the basis of the multi-criteria analysis and expert appraisal was developed. Practical significance of results of this investigation is in the developed algorithm, which ensures selection of the optimal carrier of the SMW. In accordance with this algorithm, any local authority of a city or any inhabited locality has possibility to analyse the existing SMW carriers and select the best organisation, which proposes the required package of the relevant infrastructure and the required services.

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