
We, the Author, Editor and Publisher of International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, have retracted the following article:Adithya Challapalli, Continuum Model for Effective Properties of Orthotropic Octet-truss Lattice through Additive Manufacturing, International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, 21(1) 2020, 1–11, DOI: 10.1080/15502287.2020.1711829The author has requested a retraction of the article due to discrepancies they found in the numerical analysis, which is the core of this paper. The author has not been able to reproduce the same results.We have been informed in our decision-making by our policy on publishing ethics and integrity and the COPE guidelines on retractions. The retracted article will remain online to maintain the scholarly record, but it will be digitally watermarked on each page as “Retracted”.

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