
Purpose: To report on 3 cases of retinal vasculitis associated with asymptomatic Gardnerella vaginalis (GV) infection. Methods: Review of 3 consecutive patients who presented with central retinal vasculitis without signs or symptoms of systemic disease. The vasculitis involved the central branches of the retinal vessels bilaterally and was steroid-dependent. Results: During treatment, patients developed clinically significant vaginitis, which the gynecologist considered to be exacerbated by the steroid treatment, leading to its withdrawal. All 3 vaginal specimens were positive for GV. Antibiotic susceptibility testing led to administration of oral ampicillin (2 g/day for 10 days), which resolved both the vaginal infection and the retinal vasculitis. Conclusions: Idiopathic retinal vasculitis can be triggered by several agents. In this case series, GV was associated with retinal vasculitis, which was resolved by oral ampicillin. GV infection may be one of a number of triggers of retinal vasculitis. Appropriate treatment and full resolution of ocular inflammation requires exclusion of possible underlying infections.

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