
We examined the fine structure of dorsal rim ommatidia of the compound eye of Pararge aegeria (Lepidoptera: Satyridae) and compared them with ommatidia of the large dorsal region described by Riesenberg (1983 Diploma, University of Munich). 1. The ommatidia of the dorsal rim show morphological specializations known to be typical of the perception of polarized light: (a) the dumb-bell-shaped rhabdoms contain linearly aligned rhabdomeres with only 2 orthogonally arranged microvilli orientations. The rhabdoms are composed of the rhabdomeres of 9 receptor cells, 8 of which are radially arranged. The rhabdomeres of receptor cells VI and V5, as well as D2, D4, D6 and D8 are dorsoventrally aligned, whereas the rhabdomeres of the cells H3 and H7 are perpendicular to them. The rhabdomere of the bilobed 9th retinula cell lies basally and is dorsoventrally aligned, where retinula cell VI and V5 are already axonal. (b) There is no rhabdomeric twist, and (c) the rhabdoms are rather short. 2. However, in the ommatidia of the large dorsal region, only 2 retinula cells (H3 and H7) are suitable for perception of polarized light. 3. Lucifer yellow and horse radish peroxidase were used as tracers to visualize the projections of retinula cell axons of the dorsal rim area and the large dorsal region into the optic neuropils (lamina and medulla). Two receptors (VI and V5) from both the dorsal rim area and the large dorsal region, have long visual fibres projecting into the medulla. The 7 remaining retinula cells of both eye regions, including those that meet the structural requirements for detection of polarized light in the large dorsal region, terminate in the lamina (short visual fibres). These results provide a starting point for further studies to reveal the possible neuronal pathways by which polarized light may be processed.

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