
Feedforward (FF) inhibition is a common motif in many neural networks. Typically, excitatory inputs drive both principal neurons and interneurons; the interneurons then inhibit the principal neurons, thereby regulating the strength and timing of the FF signal. The interneurons introduce a likely nonlinear processing step that could distort the excitation/inhibition (E/I) ratio in the principal neuron, potentially degrading the reliability of computation in the circuit. In the retina, FF inhibition is an essential feature of the circuitry underlying direction selectivity (DS): glutamatergic bipolar cells (BCs) provide excitatory input to direction-selective ganglion cells (DSGCs) and GABAergic starburst amacrine cells (SACs), and the SACs then provide FF inhibition onto DSGCs. Robust DS computation requires a consistent synaptic E/I ratio in the DSGC in various visual conditions. Here, we show in mouse retina that the E/I ratio is maintained in DSGCs over a wide stimulus contrast range due to compensatory mechanisms in the diverse population of presynaptic BCs. BC inputs to SACs exhibit higher contrast sensitivity, so that the subsequent nonlinear transformation in SACs reduces the contrast sensitivity of FF inhibition to match the sensitivity of direct excitatory inputs onto DSGCs. Measurements of light-evoked responses from individual BC synaptic terminals suggest that the distinct sensitivity of BC inputs reflects different contrast sensitivity between BC subtypes. Numerical simulations suggest that this network arrangement is crucial for reliable DS computation. Properly balanced excitation and inhibition are essential for many neuronal computations across brain regions. Feedforward inhibition circuitry, in which a common excitatory source drives both the principal cell and an interneuron, is a typical mechanism by which neural networks maintain this balance. Feedforward circuits may become imbalanced at low stimulation levels, however, if the excitatory drive is too weak to overcome the activation threshold in the interneuron. Here we reveal how excitation and inhibition remain balanced in direction selective ganglion cells in the mouse retina over a wide visual stimulus range.

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