
Valid publication of the myxomycete genus Reticularia is generally dated from Bulliard's generic description (1791). In an earlier work (I789), pls. 446 [III] and 476 [i], Bulliard illustrated and labelled R. lycoperdon, the type species. Nannenga-Bremekamp (I958) dates Bulliard's genus to I789, without, however, citing any references. In the same work she merges Enteridium Ehrenb. Reticularia under the latter (earlier) name, a treatment generally accepted by modern investigators. The lichen genus was validly published by Baumgarten (I790, pp. 569-570). Dodge (I964, p. 148) relegated Reticularia Baumg. to synonymy under Lobaria (Schreb.) Hoffm. and suggested that Bulliard's genus be conserved in the Myxomycetes. Although it would be possible under Articles 32 (Note 2), 42, and 44 of the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature to use the 1789 illustrations of Reticularia lycoperdon Bull. as the valid starting point of the genus (thus giving the latter priority over Reticularia Baumg.), this would not be a satisfactory decision because the cited illustrations cannot be considered to meet the criterion with analysis showing essential characters, as set forth in these Articles. Plate 446 (III) depicts a flat, atypical fruiting body. P1. 476 (I) is a fine habit painting of a typical Reticularia aethalium, but without the label, species identification would be impossible since, of course, no microscopic details are shown. Furthermore, the commentary accompanying the plates is not descriptive. The more logical and satisfactory alternative is to date the myxomycete genus from 1791 (Bulliard's generic diagnosis), as has been and still is practiced by most myxomycete specialists. This would provide a stronger and sounder foundation for this taxon. Reticularia Bull. then becomes a later homonym of Reticularia Baumg., however, and must be replaced Enteridium Ehrenberg, 1819, the next available generic name (Article 64). Since the name Enteridium is equally as well established as Reticularia in the Myxomycetes, there would be no point in conserving the latter generic name. To comply the second option presented above, the names for the currently accepted species of Reticularia Bull. will have to be changed as follows: Enteridium aureum (Nannenga-Bremekamp) Farr comb. nov. (basionym: Reticularia aurea Nannenga-Bremekamp, Proc. Nederl. Akad. Wet., C 69: 338. 1966. Enteridium intermedium (Nannenga-Bremekamp) Farr comb. nov. (basionym: Reticularia intermedia Nannenga-Bremekamp, Med. Bot. Mus. Utrecht # 149: 773. 1958). Enteridium lobatum (A. Lister) Farr comb. nov. (basionym: Reticularia lobata A. Lister, Mycet. 161. 1894). Enteridium lycoperdon (Bulliard) Farr comb. nov. (basionym: Reticularia lycoperdon Bulliard, Hist. Champ. Fr. 95. 1791). Enteridium olivaceum Ehrenb.

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