
The various discourses on East Asia should be subject to nation state, it’s border and it’s history(national history). By the way, ‘nation state’ and it’s history were mainly a result of historical process in the history of East Asia against the discourses on East Asia. Therefore, if we do not reconstruct recognition of history to turn on ‘nation state’, we can not make a new image on the history of East Asia.BR A new image on the history of East Asia must reflect such needs as: it is not supposed to deconstruct a current unit of recognition of history, at the same time we should reconstruct recognition of history to turn on ‘nation state’ toward the formation of new theoretical model about the history of East Asia. This paper give careful consideration to the reconceptualization of East Asia history through reconstructing a current recognition about China-centred imperial order. Also this paper criticized a fixed idea supposing that the world of East Asia, diachronically, was ‘one historical unit’.BR My suggestion aims to explore the possibility of restructuring the regional order of East Asia with multi cultural compound order which is composed of one center and multi-Subcenter in the East Asia. Furthermore, this paper was intended to advance a theoretical possibility/hypothesis which relativize China by relativizing China as the lager sub-unit of multi cultural compound order.

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