
1. Constructivism or Confucianism? We have the technology, now what shall we do with it? 2. Exploring informal student study groups in a South African teacher education programme 3. Supporting the masses? Learner perceptions of a South African ODL programme 4. Addressing the learning skills of students at a distance: a dual medium approach 5. Supporting the student in new teaching and learning environments 6. The importance of the tutor in open and distance Learning 7. Remembering our common work: institutional support for open learning 8. On-line learning and supporting students: new possibilities 9. The centrality of learner support in open and distance learning: a paradigm shift in thinking 10. Distance higher education and library services in Japan 11. Changing entrenched learner support systems: vision and reality 12. Lost and found: open learning outside the doors of the academe 13. Challenges in adjusting to new technology in supporting learners in developing countries 14. Delivering learner support on-line: Does the medium affect the message? 15. Rethinking learner support in the Open University UK: a case study 16. Collaborative on-line learning: transforming learner support and course design

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