
Introduction Rethinking Journalism: The Structural Transformation of a Public Good Marcel Broersma and Chris Peters Part 1: Public Trust in Journalism 1. Trust, Cynicism, and Responsiveness: The Uneasy Situation of Journalism in Democracy Kees Brants 2. A Refractured Paradigm: Journalism, Hoaxes and the Challenge of Trust Marcel Broersma 3. Getting the Facts Straight in a Digital Era: Journalistic Accuracy and Trustworthiness Colin Porlezza and Stephan Russ-Mohl 4. The Postmodern Challenge to Journalism: Strategies for Constructing a Trustworthy Identity Jo Bogaerts and Nico Carpentier Part 2: Participatory Forms of Journalism 5. Trust, Truth and Objectivity: Sustaining Quality Journalism in the Era of the Content-Generating User Brian McNair 6. News Making as an Interactive Practice: Global News Exchange and Network Journalism Ansgard Heinrich 7. Between Networks and 'Hierarchies of Credibility': Navigating Journalistic Practice in a Sea of User-Generated Content Ingrid Volkmer and Amira Firdaus 8. Talking Back, But is Anyone Listening?: Journalism and Comment Fields Todd Graham Part 3: Emerging Journalisms 9. Separate, Supplementary or Seamless?: Alternative News and Professional Journalism Chris Atton 10. Journalism as Interpretive Performance: The Case of WikiLeaks Stuart Allan 11. Transforming Journalistic Practice: A Profession Caught Between Change and Tradition Tamara Witschge 12. 'Even Better Than Being Informed': Satirical News and Media Literacy Chris Peters Part 4: Rethinking Journalism Rethought 13. Would Journalism Please Hold Still! Michael Schudson 14. Journalism, Participative Media and Trust in a Comparative Context Thomas Hanitzsch 15. 'Trust Me, I'm an Innovative Journalist,' And Other Fictions Kevin G. Barnhurst

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