
SHORT BIO Professor Crow serves CRVP as scholar-coordinator on Islamic Thought and Muslim Modernity, based in Kuala Lumpur since 1999. From 2008―2014 he was Principal Fellow at the International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS-Malaysia) performing policy analysis, convened Fora on peace & security, and co-edited the journal Islam and Civilisational Renewal. He earned his Ph. D. (cum laude) and M. A. (1978) in Islamic Studies at the Institute of Islamic Studies (McGill University, Montreal); and took his B. A. (1972) in Philosophy & Religion from The American University of Beirut. Professor Crow taught Arabic Language & Literature (all levels) and text-based courses on Islamic Religion & Thought at undergraduate and graduate levels for over twenty-five years in the United States, Singapore and Malaysia. He has served on the faculties of: Columbia University (New York City), New York University, Fordham University, The University of Virginia (Charlottesville, VA), The University of Maryland; as well as The International Institute of Islamic Thought & Civilisation (ISTAC, Kuala Lumpur), and the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore). Professor Crow is a recognized authority on Islamic Rationality and on Shii»‹ah Islam. His other specialties are Muslim intellectual disciplines, Peace Studies, and Metaphysics. He has published numerous academic articles and book chapters treating Islamic Reason & Ethics, Muslim consumption, Islamic Peace, and the Sunni–Shi'ah schism. Among his edited books are Facing One Qiblah (Singapore, 2005), Cultural Transformation and the Re-emergence of Falsafah (Tehran, IIP 2010); and forthcoming works on Life and Thought of Ja'far al-SAdiq, and 'Aql ‘Cognition’ In Early Islam.

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