
Since high-resolution radioautography (dipping technique) might be very useful for the study of indole metabolism in the pineal cells, the retention of [3H]-indoles has to be examined during the preparation of specimens for electron microscopy (EM). The pineal organ of the parakeet (Melopsittacus undulatus) was used in the present work. 1) Indole metabolism: following uptake of [3H]-5-hydroxytryptophan ([3H]-HW) in vivo and [3H]-5-hydroxytryptamine ([3H]-HT) in vitro in similar seasonal and nycthemeral conditions--all the known pineal indolic metabolites were recovered by thin layer chromatography. [3H]-5-methoxyindoles were also formed from [3H]-melatonin ([3H]-aMT). 2) The radioactivity of fluids used in the processing of pineal organs in EM was determined by liquid scintillation counting: (a) no exogenous [3H]-indoles could be revealed in EM solutions after [3H]-HW in vivo uptake. (b) 8.8 to 13.4% of [3H]-indoles were washed out by glutaraldehyde after [3H]-HT in vitro uptake. (c) most of the 5-methoxyindoles after in vitro uptake of [3H]-aMT were lost in glutaraldehyde. Our chromatography procedures did not permit the identification of [3H]-indoles extracted by the glutaraldehyde fixative. In previous experiments, [3H]-HW and [3H]-HT uptake showed the presence of selective radioautographic reactions in the cells of the receptor line; however, silver grains were scarce and diffusely distributed in the pineal parenchyma after [3H]-aMT uptake.

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