
AbstractClimate change causes a more frequent occurrence of extreme events. The result of these phenomena is the occurrence of floods and flooding, and periods of drought. Particularly unfavorable is intensive rainfall over the urban catchments. To prevent the negative consequences of these phenomena, unconventional solutions should be used. The use of green roofs in urban areas will serve the sustainable development of cities and the impact on local ecological changes. The study was performed at two green roof platforms 1.2×1.2×0.1 m each. An analysis was performed at different intensities given for precipitation. 20 min for the rain to stop was observed from 68 to 100% precipitation. The study was divided into two parts. The first part of the study has been performed in the dry period. In contrast, another round of tests was repeated in other conditions after rainfall. The amount of water at two experimental green roofs platforms before the test was 11.0 dm3. The research relates to the impact of green roofs on local hydrological changes. Development of technologies for green roofs had a positive impact on mitigating the effects of climate change associated with the occurrence of flooding the city.

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