
The retention and bioaccessibility of β-carotene (BC) in blended foods made with part orange-fleshed sweet potato (OFSP) flour (30%) were examined. Chapatis and porridges were prepared by local processors under field conditions (FC) in Uganda (n=10). While the retention of all-trans-BC in porridges (69 to 93%) and chapatis (70 to 97%) varied between the processors, there was no overall difference between the two products and this was probably because of the variability in FC. BC retention in mandazis was similar to that of chapatis and porridges. Processing in FC significantly increased the amount of cis-isomers, in particular 13-cis-BC. The bioaccessibility of the BC as measured by their transfer into micelles was evaluated using an in vitro digestion procedure in various OFSP-derived products. After in vitro digestion, the percentage of micellarized all-trans-BC was greater in products cooked with oil, chapati (73%) and mandazi (49%), as compared with the boiled ones, porridge (16%) and puréed from boiled root (10%). In all the products, the incorporation into micelles for 13-cis-BC was significantly higher to that of all-trans-BC. When taking into account the bioaccessibility of all-trans-BC and 13-cis-BC isomer, an edible portion of porridge (one mug), boiled root (half a root), mandazis (two), or chapati (one) could provide a significant part of the daily vitamin A requirements of a child under 6 years (respectively 20, 46, 75, or 100%). These data support the promotion/consumption of locally cooked OFSP food products to tackle vitamin A deficiency in sub-Saharan Africa.

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