
Scarring is one of the most prevalent long-term complications of acne vulgaris and has cosmetic, psychological, and social burdens. Contemporary management programs integrate multiple modalities to best address the multiple factors underlying their development and persistence. This work assessed the impact of sequential multimodal laser therapy on acne scar geometrics and texture. Adult patients (n = 16) with Fitzpatrick skin type II-IV and presenting with facial acne scars, underwent three combination ablative (CO2), and nonablative (1570 nm) laser treatment sessions at two-month intervals. Treatment was delivered using a ProScan Hybrid applicator, with each regimen including illumination with both ablative and a nonablative lasers applied in a grid mode sequence. Scar microtopography was assessed at baseline and 6 months after the last treatment session. At baseline, all patients had both box and rolling scars, while only three had icepick scars. Six months following treatment, mean scar volume improved from 5.7 ± 5.2 mm3 at baseline to 3.1 ± 3.0 mm3 and mean affected area improved from 165.6 ± 134.0 mm2 94.0 ± 80.1 mm2, translating to 47.0 ± 7.9% and 43.2 ± 8.6% reductions from baseline, respectively. Patients were highly satisfied with treatment outcomes, and no serious adverse reactions were documented during the course of treatment or follow-up. Multimodal CO2 and 1570-nm laser treatment improved the surface profilometry of patients with atrophic facial acne scars. Customization of both treatment intervals and laser settings to cosmetic regions, scar profiles and skin phototypes may further enhance treatment outcomes and expand its applicability to additional skin deformities.

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