
We consider a generalization of the Borel resummation, which turns out to be equivalent to the standard Borel resummation. We apply it to the simplest large N duality between the pure Chern-Simons theory and the topological string on the resolved conifold, and obtain a simple integral formula for the free energy. Expanding this integral representation around the large radius point at finite string coupling g s , we find that it includes not only the M-theoretic resummation a la Gopakumar and Vafa, but also a non-perturbative correction in g s . Remarkably, the obtained non-perturbative correction is in perfect agreement with a proposal for membrane instanton corrections in arXiv:1306.1734 . Various other examples are also presented.


  • As we will show in this paper, we find a simple integral representation of (1.1) by applying the generalized Borel resummation to the genus expansion

  • We show that the resummed free energy contains the Gopakumar-Vafa formula and the non-perturbative membrane instanton correction, proposed in [6]

  • An advantage of the generalized Borel resummation is that one can write down exact integral representations

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Borel sum and the moment method

One useful way to make sense of such divergent series is to introduce the Borel sum. We can consider a generalization of the Borel sum, known as the moment method, by using some moment μn of the weight function μ(ζ), dζ μ(ζ)ζn = μn,. From this sum Bμ[f ](ζ), we can define the resummation associated with the moment μn dζ μ(ζ)Bμ[f ](gζ). The usual Borel sum is a special case of the moment method, corresponding to the choice μ(ζ) = e−ζ and μn = n!. The genus-g contribution usually grows as (2g)!, and it leads to a divergent series. It is useful to consider a moment method associated with the integral representation of B2g.

Preliminary examples: gamma function and Barnes G-function
Large N expansions in pure Chern-Simons theory
Resummation of the resolved conifold free energy
Resumming the resolved conifold free energy
Comparison to the standard Borel resummation
Non-Borel summable case revisited
Comments on the Borel resummation of ABJM free energy
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