
Aim. Тo study the oral health among the poor citizens and the implementation of the program of preferential prosthetic dentistry in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Methods. The study involved 80 patients with prosthetic dentistry in the past who were asked to complete a survey questionnaire and underwent clinical examination. Statistical processing was performed using Microsoft Excel and Statistica 6.0 software. Results. Secondary partial adentia prevailed in poor, reaching 83.75%, with secondary complete adentia reaching 16.25%. The average age of patients was 63.4 years: female patients - 64.66 years, male patients - 67.25 years. 100% of patients had concomitant somatic diseases, with most of the patients having 2-3 comorbidities. Among concomitant conditions, musculoskeletal diseases were observed in 71% of cases, cardiovascular diseases - in 50% of cases, endocrine diseases - in 35% of cases. 86.25% of patients named financial strait as the main cause of a late visit to a dentist, the remaining 13.75% indicated a lack of time, poor health and unwillingness to care for themselves as the reason. Conclusion. Low-income patients need further support in preferential dentistry and oral health examination.

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