
This manuscript discusses the most relevant aspects of the practical implementation of a long-range Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) link with trusted nodes, achieving the highest possible secret key rate generation within the security and system-level constraints. To this purpose, it describes the implementation of an end-to-end QKD system, including implementation aspects from the physical transmission of photon states through a standard telecommunications grade optical fiber, to consideration of quantum metrology and information reconciliation protocols based on forward error correction codes. In addition, since there are circumstances when a fiber optical link may not be available, it examines the problems involved with the implementation of a Free Space Optics (FSO) QKD link. The manuscript also discusses the problem of information reconciliation in Continuous Variable (CV) QKD scenarios on FSO links, showing that in long distance links, since the sign of the received Gaussian samples contains the largest fraction of information, Unequal Error Protection (UEP) reverse reconciliation schemes can be designed. The presented results have been achieved within the NATO SPS project “Analysis, design and implementation of an end-to-end 400 km QKD link”.

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