
High technologies used to treat patients with cancer, hematologic and rare diseases are always regarded in society as expensive. Modern medicine, particularly oncology and hematology, cannot be imagined today without monoclonal antibodies and genetic engineering. Who must determine the introduction of new and existing procedures into routine practice and how, as well as where are the reference points for those who make decisions in terms of the costs of these treatments? To determine a cost threshold for inclusion or exclusion of new treatments is one of the most important tasks in the light of healthcare reform and drug provision in the Russian Federation. These questions can be answered via studies of the willingness to pay (WTP) threshold. The latter will allow understanding of the country citizens' preference in estimating expenditures for medical products and services. This will in turn enable them to understand more properly the amount of expenses the state has to bear when developing treatment standards and lists of drugs to be freely dispensed. Within the framework of the study, a questionnaire survey on a random sample of Russia's respondents was conducted to measure WTP for one additional quality adjusted life year, by applying the conditional estimation method and analyzing sociodemographic indicators. According to the results, WTP for one year of life saved with its quality borne in mind was 69,000 rubles or US$2.300, which is much lower, in absolute terms, than those obtained in other countries. Thus, a similar study of WTP for one year of life saved with its quality taken into account showed that WTP was US$41,000 (Japan), 74,000 (Korea), 77,00 (Taiwan), 36,000 (United Kingdom), 47,000 (Australia), and 62,000 (USA). If WTP is compared to the average annual per capita income, Russia approximates that in such countries as the United Kingdom and Japan.

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