
ABSTRACT In summer 1997 a project of duck research using radio—telemetry was carried out on the Lake Engure, Latvia. 10 females of Mallards, 10 females of Shovelers, 9 females of Pochards and 6 females of Tufted Ducks were radio—tracked during the period from the hatching of their ducklings till fledging. Information about effect of the harness-type radio-transmitters on different species of ducks has been collected. For 15 ducks home range sizes and distances between nests and range locations were calculated. Mallards used to move further from their nest sites; one Mallard brood after one week spent near the nest site dislocated 8 km to the Southern part of the lake during one day. Problems of estimating habitat use and habitat selection of duck broods have also been discussed.

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