
As a result of a passed the Wisconsin State Legislature in ground-'water investigations in Wisconsin have under -way since February 19^6 under the terms of an agreement the U. S. Geological Survey and the University of Wisconsin, Pumping tests on wells that yield water from the Ordovician and Cambrian sandstones underlying the Milwaukee-Waukesha area have made as a part a larger regional investigation. The purpose of the tests has to determine the water-bearing characteristics of the aquifer. These characteristics, the coefficients of transmissibility and storage, are used to determine the effect on water levels caused changes in the rate of withdrawal from the aquifer. Average coefficients of transmissibility and storage determined from the results of kj pumping tests at five different locations are 23,800 gallons a day per foot, and 0.00039> respectively. The amount of drawdown in the water level at any point caused pumping a well for a given length of time may be computed the nonequilibrium formula, using the coefficients and correcting for the effects of boundaries and of any changes in the character of the aquifer. Further study of the geology is needed to determine the location of the recharge area, the location of possible boundaries, and changes in the character of the aquifer. Collection of water-level and pumpage data is continuing and will serve as a check of the computations using the coefficients of transmissibility and storage. Introduction Present ground-mter studies. In 19V? the Wisconsin State Legislature made an appropriation to the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin, ' . ..-afor the purpose of investigating the underground water resources of the state, determining the present use and depletion thereof and recommending to the legislature such action as may be deemed necessary to conserve these underground -water supplies as a public resource. The bill further authorized the university to cooperate with the appropriate agencies of the federal government in conducting such study., 11 As a result of this legislation, groundwater studies were started in February 19^6 under the terms of a cooperative agreement between the U. S. Geological Survey and the University, represented by a committee of two faculty members, A. T. Lenz and Noble Clajrk, and the State Geologist, E F. Bean, who serves as chairman. £11 the work has been under the immediate supervision of F. C Foley, district geologist, and under the general direction of 0. E. Melnzer and of A... N. Sayre, who succeeded Dr. Meinzer on December 1, 1$&6, as Chief of the Division of Ground Water of the U. S. Geological Survey. ; Scope of report. This report is concerned only with the deep artesian aquifer underlying the Milwaukee-Waukesha area. Pumping tests have been made at several places within the area as part of the more comprehensive regional ground--water investigations which are continuing in this and other areas , throughout the State. The purpose of the tests has been to determine the water-bearing characteristics of the principal aquifer underlying the area. Description of area.--The Milwaukee-Waukesha area, for the purposes og this report, consists of Milwaukee County and the eastern half of Waukesha County as shown in figure 1. The are$ is in the southeastern part of > ' i .. Wisconsin and borders on Lake Michigan. In ISO

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