
A total of 25130 newborns were examined, which was 91% of all babies born alive in the Krasnoyarsk region. For detecting hypothyrosis, TTH levels were measured in dry blood stains on special paper filters using Delfia diagnostic kit in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Hyperthyrotropinemia was detected in 3.76% of all samples examined (primary positive results of screening), but subsequent examinations of newborns with suspected thyroid insufficiency confirmed congenital hypothyrosis in only 6 patients, or 0.99% of all infants examined repeatedly. In 99.01% of cases the detected hyperthyrotropinemia was transitory. According to the findings of neonatal screening, the incidence of congenital hypothyrosis was 1 per 4134 newborns. Congenital hypothyrosis is most often confirmed in cases with the primary positive value of TTH higher than 100 pU/ml. At lower TTH levels the probability of the diagnosis validation was lower, although not ruled out

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